Launch Monday 8 January
Entry deadline Friday 12 April
Stage 1 Judging: Wednesday 17 April – Wednesday 22 May
Shortlist announcement Wednesay 12 June
Stage 2 Judging: Monday 15 July – Monday 22 July
Patient Safety Awards Ceremony Monday 16 September


Stage 2 Judging Dates:

Category Judging Date
Deteriorating Patients and Rapid Response Initiative of the Year Monday 15th July
Improving Care for Children and Young People Initiative of the Year Monday 15th July
Seni Lewis Award Monday 15th July
Developing a Positive Safety Culture Award Monday 15th July
Mental Health Safety Improvement Award Tuesday 16th July
Improving Health Outcomes for Minority Ethnic Communities Tuesday 16th July
Improving Medicines Safety Award Tuesday 16th July
Patient Safety Team of the Year Tuesday 16th July
Improving Care for Older People Initiative of the Year Wednesday 17th July
Patient Safety Education and Training Award Wednesday 17th July
Early-Stage Patient Safety Innovation of the Year Wednesday 17th July
Patient Safety Pilot Project of the Year Wednesday 17th July
Learning Disabilities Initiative of the Year Thursday 18th July
Quality Improvement Initiative of the Year Thursday 18th July
Staff Wellbeing Initiative of the Year Thursday 18th July
Maternity and Midwifery Initiative of the Year Thursday 18th July
Harnessing a Human Factors Approach to Improve Patient Safety Award Friday 19th July
Patient Involvement in Safety Award Friday 19th July
Virtual or Remote Care Initiative of the Year Friday 19th July
Safety Improvement Through Technology Award Friday 19th July
Community Care Initiative of the Year Monday 22nd July
Primary Care Initiative of the Year Monday 22nd July
Patient Safety in Elective Recovery Award Monday 22nd July
Urgent and Emergency Care Safety Initiative of the Year Monday 22nd July
Best Use of Integrated Care and Partnership Working in Patient Safety Award Monday 22nd July