Click on the tabs below to reveal the shortlisted NHS teams and projects per category.
- Best Use of Integrated Care and Partnership Working in Patient Safety Award

WINNER: Northern Care Alliance FT and the Four Localities Partnership - Improving care for people with dementia across an acute hospital discharge pathway
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Moorfields Eye Hospital FT, Royal Free Hospital, North Central London ICB, NHSE, LOCSU et al. - Single Point of Access
- Bromley GP Alliance in partnership with Bromley Homeless Charity - Bromley Homeless Project
- Livewell SW - Frequent Use Support and Empowerment
- Practice Plus Group - The Junction: HMP Featherstone’s Drug Recovery Wing in partnership with Practice Plus Group and Inclusion, an integrated Mental health and Psychosocial substance use service
- Somerset FT and the Community Council for Somerset - Ubuntu – Quality Improvement project to test a different approach with people who use healthcare services more than would be expected for their clinical condition
- South East Coast Ambulance Service FT, Sussex Community FT, East Sussex Healthcare Trust, Medway Community Healthcare, HCRG Care Group, Kent Community Health FT, Royal Surrey FT, Central Surrey Health, Surrey Downs Health and Care, Frimley Health FT and First Community Health and Care - Urgent Community Response (UCR) Ambulance Service Optimisation Programme - ”Pulling from the stack”
- South London Mental Health and Community Partnership and North London Mental Health Partnership - Multi-partner pan-London NHS Mental Health Clinical Advice Line for Police Officers
- Wirral Community Health And Care FT, Health Protection Service Wirral Council, Wirral University Teaching Hospital FT - System collaboration to reduce the impact of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and strengthen Infection Prevention and Control by improving the diagnosis and management of Urinary Tract Infections (UTI) and hydration
- Community Care Initiative of the Year

WINNER: Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer alliance - Community Partnerships: Community ownership of cancer information to increase timely presentation
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber FT - Development of Neurodiversity Practitioner Role
- Blackpool Teaching Hospitals FT, The Centre for Early Childhood Development (A Better start), Blackpool Council - The Early Parenthood Service - Supporting Parents To Be The Best They Can Be
- Central North West London FT - ICE HUB & Pathway 2 Standardisation (D2A)
- Health Innovation East Midlands and Lincolnshire Community Health Services Trust - Transforming Wound Care
- Medway Community Healthcare - Systems approach to training in proportionate care (Single Handed Care) to reduce delays in hospital discharges for those waiting for package of care
- Midlands Partnership University FT - Diabetes 8 Care Team - Staffordshire and Stoke on Trent
- Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber FT - North Lincolnshire Neurodevelopment Service Improvement Project
- University College Hospitals London FT and Central North West London FT - Disposable Elastomeric Pumps to expedite Discharge of Palliative and End of Life Patients
- Deteriorating Patients and Rapid Response Initiative of the Year

WINNER: NCL Imaging Academy - Clinical Simulation Training to Support and Manage a Deteriorating Patient in Both the Acute and CDC Clinical Settings
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Oxford University Hospitals FT - SCOOP Neck Haematoma
- Black Country ICB - FREED/ FREED LDA pathway
- Chelsea and Westminster Hospital FT - CCOT Advanced Clinical Practice : Its impact in improving the recognition and escalation of deteriorating patients in the adult in-patient wards
- Gloucestershire Hospitals FT - Martha’s Rule Implementation sponsored by NHSE Worries and Concern Project
- Nottingham Univerisity Hospitals Trust - Improving early identification of deteriorating patients through more timely patients observations: A sharable approach to getting the fundamentals right
- Somerset FT - Care First-Fund Later (CareFFuL): An End-of-Life Home Care Quality Improvement Project
- The Walton Centre FT - SMART - Managing acute and deteriorating patients across The Walton Centre
- Wrightington Wigan and Leigh Teaching Hospitals FT - Improvement of Sepsis Care at WWL
- Developing a Positive Safety Culture Award

WINNER: Central North West London FT - Building Bridges of Safety: Cultivating a Safe, Compassionate, Accountable, Reflective and Fair Culture
- Barts Health Trust - Building a Patient Safety Culture through Safety Team Training and Staff Involvement
- Family Nursing & Home Care (Jersey) - Improving outcomes by developing a positive safety culture within a community healthcare setting
- Lancashire & South Cumbria FT - Our speaking up journey to making patient safety everyone’s business, and every day business
- LLR Patient Care Locally - LLR PCL Our Journey into a positive safety culture influencing the independent sector and primary care
- Practice Plus Group - Patient Safety Incident Response Safety Framework (PSIRF)
- Sheffield Health and Social Care FT - Embedding human rights into day-to-day practice
- Spire Healthcare - Safety First culture for patients, colleagues and consultants
- Wye Valley Trust - Safety in Sync. A PLACE based system safety forum in Herefordshire
- Early-Stage Patient Safety Innovation of the Year

WINNER: Cheshire and Wirral Partnership FT - Optimising safety and innovating through digitisation of MHA administration
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Bradford Teaching Hospitals FT - Spotting soft signs of deterioration – does the Patient Wellness Questionnaire help us?
- Cheshire and Merseyside Cancer Alliance, One Knowsley, Warrington Voluntary Action, Cheshire West Voluntary Action, CVS Cheshire East, Halton and St Helens Voluntary Community Action, Liverpool Charity and Voluntary Services, Sefton CVS and Wirral CVS - Community Partnerships: Community ownership of cancer information to increase timely presentation.
- East and North Hertfordshire Trust - IsSAFE (In-situ Simulation Applying human Factors Analysis) - Understanding and improving the human factors that influence care delivery
- The Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals FT - Improving Patient Safety Through Effective Fatigue Risk Management
- Norfolk and Waveney ICS - StopThink: No Catheter, To Stop CAUTI Don’t Catheterise
- Royal United Hospitals Bath FT - Back to Basics Virtual Reality Patient Safety Programme
- South West London Elective Orthopaedic Centre - Artificial Intelligence (AI) supported Preparing for Surgery information alongside extended prehabilitation services for patients undergoing elective hip and knee replacement surgery
- University Hospitals Bristol and Weston FT - HF integration at UHBW
- Harnessing a Human Factors Approach to Improve Patient Safety

WINNER: University Hospitals of North Midlands Trust - Safety and Learning Culture- a Quality Improvement Journey in Critical Care
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Royal Brompton Hospital - SPRinT program
- Bradford Teaching Hospitals FT - Improving patient outcomes by reducing potential harm as a result of falls in hospital
- East and North Hertfordshire Trust - Understanding and improving human factors, that influence the care of the deteriorating patient
- Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals Trust - Using a ’Hub and Spoke’ approach to support Embedding of Human Factors across an Organisation
- Northumbria Healthcare FT - PSIRF The Northumbria Way
- The Royal Wolverhampton Trust - International Medical Graduate (IMG) Simulation Based Education
- The Royal Wolverhampton Trust - Foundation Simulation Human Factors Approach to Improve Patient Safety
- University Hospitals Bristol and Weston FT - HF integration at UHBW
- Improving Care for Children and Young People Initiative of the Year

WINNER: Manchester University FT - Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust Retinopathy of Prematurity Imaging Network
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Public Health Agency NI - Be Swallow Aware to support Children’s Care: A Partnership Approach to Reducing Risk and Improving Quality of care for Children and Young People with Eating, Drinking and Swallowing Difficulties in Education settings across Northern Ireland
- Blackpool Teaching Hospitals FT, The Centre for Early Childhood Development (A Better start), Blackpool Council - Early Parenthood Service - Supporting Parents To Be The Best They Can Be
- Children’s Emergency Department, Barking Havering and Redbridge University Hospitals Trust - Improving care for children presenting to the Children's Emergency Department with new onset diabetes
- Homerton University Hospital FT - Verbo: A Speech & Language Therapy Toolkit
- Humber Teaching FT - Humber and North Yorkshire Dynamic Support Keyworker Service
- Lancashire Teaching Hospitals FT - Chorley Children and Young People Surgical Hub Project
- Milton Keynes University Hospital FT - Transforming the care of our youngest patients in the NHS
- NHS West Yorkshire ICB, Conexus Healthcare CIC, Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership - Children’s Observation Hub in Wakefield District
- Improving Care for Older People Initiative of the Year

WINNER: The Royal Marsden FT - The Senior Adult Oncology Programme
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Northern Care Alliance FT and the Four Localities Partnership - Improving care for people with dementia across an acute hospital discharge pathway
- Coastal Medical Partnership - Care Home Assessment Team
- Orpington PCN - Orpington PCN Wellbeing Cafe
- Salisbury FT - Acute Frailty Unit
- Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care FT - Delirium Improvement Project (DIP)
- Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care FT - ME in DeMEntia
- University Hospital of North Midlands Trust - Older Adults Diversional Therapist Pilot
- University Hospitals Bristol and Weston FT - Establishing an activity coordinator to improve the safety of older adults in the acute hospital setting
- Improving Health Outcomes for Minority Ethnic Communities

WINNER: Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust - Establishing A Substantive Health Equity Team And Embedding A Holistic Approach To Improving Equity In Maternity Services
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Burnley East PCN - Immunisation & Vaccination within the community
- Central London Community Healthcare Trust - Post COVID Animation Project
- East London FT - SMI engagement for physical health checks
- gtd healthcare - Migrant Health Passport for Refugees and Asylum Seekers
- Homerton University Hospital FT & Children Ahead - Talking Together
- Improvement Academy - Yorkshire Community Health Checks
- Improving Medicines Safety Award

WINNER: NHS Greater Manchester, Health Innovation Manchester, NIHR Greater Manchester Patient Safety Research Collaboration - Scaling a local Safety Medication Dashboard (SMASH) programme to benefit the 2.8 million population of Greater Manchester
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Central London Community Healthcare Trust - Improving the use of medications through specialist health inequalities pharmacists
- Manchester University FT - Pharmacogenetics Roll Out Gauging Response to Service (PROGRESS) study
- Sheffield Health and Social Care FT - Clozapine Initiation on the Decisions Unit – a safe alternative to Inpatient admission
- South Tees Hospitals FT - ePMA - At The Heart of Patient’s South Tees Cath Lab Journey
- University Hospitals of Derby and Burton FT - Improving Transfers of Care - Discharge Medicines Service
- Learning Disabilities Initiative of the Year

WINNER: Bradford District Care FT - Keeping My Chest Healthy Pathway and Digital Hub
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Mersey Care FT - National HOPE(S) NHSE Collaborative
- Barnet Primary Care Network 3 - Learning Disabilities: Promoting Health Equality
- Black Country ICB - FREED LDA supportive pathway
- Bradford Teaching Hospitals FT - Additional Needs Navigator
- Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital FT - Learning Disability and Autism Support Team
- LSCFT Learning Disabilities Morecambe Bay; MBHT Biomedical Science Dept; Lunesdale Surgery; Carnforth & Milnthorpe PCN - Touch Activated Phlebotomy (TAP) project for People with Learning Disabilities
- Rutland County Council - Leicester, leicestershire and Rutland Connected Care Programme - Chris’ story
- Southern Health & Social Care Trust - The Windsor Day Centre Bespoke Bungalow Project
- Maternity and Midwifery Services Initiative of the Year

WINNER: Manchester University FT - Rainbow Clinic - A Specialist Clinical Service for Pregnancy after Loss
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association - Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association Quick Reference Handbook for Obstetric Emergencies
- Barts Health Trust - Prediction, prevention and reduction of massive obstetric haemorrhage
- Bradford Teaching Hospitals FT - Delivering Patient Education in Diverse Communities
- Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust - Leeds Multiple Pregnancy Specialist midwifery service
- Suffolk and NE Essex ICS - Suffolk and north east Essex smokefree pregnancy household pathway
- Warrington and Halton Teaching Hospitals FT - A collaboration between Nursing and Midwifery - Maternity Falls Prevention
- Mental Health Safety Improvement Award

WINNER: North West Ambulance Service Trust - Saving The Lives of Patients in Mental Health Crisis - Developing an advanced questionnaire model to support timely ambulance dispatch in cases of life threatening overdose
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Oxleas FT - Embedding Relational Security See Think Act Framework across acute inpatient services - Oxleas Journey
- Central North West London FT - Reducing Restrictive Practice - A Whole Team Approach
- Croydon GP Collaborative - SMI Home Visiting Service
- Harrow Home Treatment Team - PsychoSocial Interventions in Harrow Home Treatment Team
- Humber Teaching FT - Emergency Department Mental Health Streaming
- Kent and Medway Partnership Trust - Driving down sexual safety incidents on forensic learning disability wards
- Sheffield Health and Social Care FT, Sheffield African Caribbean Mental Health Association, Sheffield Flourish - "Less Talk, More Action” - Partnering with community leaders to reduce Race Inequalities in Mental health
- West London Trust - Highly Engaging Face to Face De-escalation Technique Training Programme for ALL frontline Staff with interactive digital booklet
- Patient Involvement in Safety Award

WINNER: University Hospital Southampton FT - Quality and Patient Safety Partner Programme
- Carers’ Strategy Implementation Steering Group - Co-production of Carer’s Strategy
- Devon Partnership Trust - Stronger Together- A quality improvement initiative to reduce suicide risk and improve patient safety through carer collaboration
- Essex Partnership University FT - Patient Safety Partners – Safety Walkabouts
- Humber Teaching FT - Introducing depot Buprenorphine treatment within a community based addictions service
- Surrey and Borders Partnership FT - Samaritans Outreach Project in Primary Care Mental Health
- United Lincolnshire Hospitals Trust - Patient Safety Partners
- West London Trust - How restraint makes us feel
- Patient Safety Education and Training Award

WINNER: Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care FT - ME in DeMEntia
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Humber Teaching FT - The Preceptorship Academy -Closed Cultures, Self-Compassion and Anti-fragility
- NCL Imaging Academy - Clinical Simulation Training to Support and Manage a Deteriorating Patient in Both the Acute and CDC Clinical Settings
- NHS England Workforce, Training and Education North East and North Cumbria - The Faculty Of Patient Safety
- Oxford University Hospitals FT - SCOOP Neck Haematoma
- Royal United Hospitals Bath FT - Back to Basics Virtual Reality Patient Safety Training
- South West London ICS and Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals Trust - A System-wide Collaboration to Embed Human Factors and PSIRF
- Stockport FT - Improving How We Care For Children and Young People in Mental Health Crisis: When CAMHS Meets Paediatrics
- The Royal Wolverhampton Trust - How the Paediatric In-Situ Simulation Programme has Improved Patient Safety on the Paediatric Ward
- Patient Safety in Elective Recovery Award

WINNER: Stockport FT - Improving Theatre Productivity to ensure our patients have timely access for surgery
HIGHLY COMMENDED: South West London Elective Orthopaedic Centre - Patient-centric Hip and Knee Replacement Recovery Through Remote Monitoring: Prioritising Patient Safety, Individualised Care, and Digital Innovation
- Gloucestershire Hospitals FT - MSK Assessment and Advice (A&A) Service
- NHS Lincolnshire ICB - Lincolnshire Elective Activity Coordination Hub (EACH)
- Northern Care Alliance FT - The Northern Care Alliance Elective Spinal Recovery Programme
- Stockport FT - Urology Advice And Guidance Improvement Initiative Pilot To Support Elective Recovery
- Patient Safety Pilot Project of the Year

Award Partner

WINNER: University Hospital of North Midlands Trust - Older Adults Diversional Therapist Pilot
- University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust in Partnership with Pioneer Wound Healing and Lymphoedema Centres - Virtual Ward rounds - Pressure Ulcers
- Gloucestershire Hospitals FT - MSK Assessment and Advice (A&A) Service
- Hertfordshire Partnership University FT - Faster Access to First Psychiatry Outpatient Appointments
- Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust - Occupational Therapy in Neuro Critical Care
- Midlands Partnership University FT, University Hospitals of North Midlands Trust, Pumping Marvellous Foundation, Stoke-on-Trent and Staffordshire ICB - Education. Education. Education. Giving heart failure patients the education that they really really want when they want it
- Rotherham, Doncaster and South Humber FT - Improving patient safety through an organisational culture intervention on a PICU: A controlled pilot project
- WHAM (Wellbeing & Health Action Movement), Canal Project and One-to-One Development Trust - ‘POWERING UP’ – Co-producing solutions to health inequality with young people
- Patient Safety Team of the Year

WINNER: Chelsea and Westminster Hospital FT - CCOT Advanced Clinical Practice : Its impact in improving the recognition and escalation of deteriorating patients in the adult in-patient wards
- Black Country ICB - FREED Quality Improvement Team
- Circle Health Group - Group Clinical Team
- Mersey Care FT - Trust-wide implementation of PSIRF
- The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital Trust - Learning from Deaths - Streamlining the Process
- The Walton Centre FT - A collaborative approach to reduce CerebroSpinal Fluid (CSF) infection in Patients with an External Ventricular Drain a regional neurosurgical unit
- Primary Care Initiative of the Year

WINNER: Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland ICB - Primary Care Quality Assurance Toolkit
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Coastal Medical Partnership - Care Home Assessment Team
- Chapel Street Surgery - Improving access in Primary Care using Get it right the first time methodology
- Herts and West Essex ICB Primary Care Training Hub - PCN Training Teams
- NHS West Yorkshire ICB, Conexus Healthcare CIC, Wakefield District Health and Care Partnership - Children’s Observation Hub in Wakefield District
- North Central London ICB - Optimising Type 2 Diabetes Care with Continuous Glucose Monitoring as an Educational Tool and Lifestyle Interventions to Reduce Medication Dependence: A Pilot Study in North Central London ICB
- North Lincolnshire South PCN - Young Person Social Prescribing Service
- Orpington PCN - Orpington PCN Wellbeing Cafe
- South Wigan Medical Practice - Providing optimal patient access to General Practice services to improve patient care
- Quality Improvement Initiative of the Year

Award Partner

WINNER: Barnsley Hospital FT - Nurse lead discharge project for children aged between 2-16 years old with minor head injuries training package
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Northern Care Alliance FT - Days Kept Away from Home Collaborative
- Barking Harvering and Redbridge University Hospitals Trust - Reducing perinatal mortality in Maternity services
- Birmingham and Solihull Mental Health Trust - Reducing DNA’s to HTT medical review appointments
- Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation FT - Improving Together - Empowering staff to lead change
- Mid and South Essex FT - Ward/Department QI Programme
- Northern Lincolnshire and Goole FT - Improving the Assessment and Re-Assessment of Pain
- Royal Cornwall Hospitals Trust - DQ01 Robot automation for recording deceased patients
- Stockport FT - Endoscopy Safety Improvement Programme
- Safety Improvement through Technology Award

WINNER: South West London Elective Orthopaedic Centre - Patient-centric Hip and Knee Replacement Recovery Through Remote Monitoring: Prioritising Patient Safety, Individualised Care, and Digital Innovation
HIGHLY COMMENDED: The Dudley Group FT - Paediatric Virtual Ward - A Technological Advance in Patient Care
- Buckinghamshire Healthcare Trust - Pre-operative Assessment Transformation
- Cheshire and Wirral Partnership FT - Using a digitised MHA system to optimise safety
- Manchester University FT - Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust Retinopathy of Prematurity Imaging Network
- North Bristol Trust - Dermoscopea - Dermoscopy for the Non-Specialist
- South East Coast Ambulance Service FT, Sussex Community FT, East Sussex Healthcare Trust, Medway Community Healthcare, HCRG Care Group, Kent Community Health FT, Royal Surrey FT, Central Surrey Health, Surrey Downs Health and Care, Frimley Health FT and First Community Health and Care - Urgent Community Response (UCR) Ambulance Service Optimisation Programme - ”Pulling from the stack”
- University Hospitals of Leicester Trust in Partnership with Pioneer Wound Healing and Lymphoedema Centres, Independent provider of NHS Services - Improving Patient Safety using Smart Glasses Technology
- West Suffolk FT - Using social media to increase service user engagement and making antenatal education more accessible to a wider audience
- Seni Lewis Award

Award Partner

WINNER: Mersey Care FT - Mental Health Triage and Response team
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Avon & Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership, Avon & Somerset Police, South Western Ambulance Service FT, BrisDoc Healthcare Services - Integrated Access Partnership
- Humber Teaching FT - Right Care, Right Person
- Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust - Missing Person Joint Criteria Led Approach
- Leicestershire Partnership Trust - LPT & Leicestershire Police’s Triage Car Service
- South London Mental Health and Community Partnership and North London Mental Health Partnership - NHS Mental Health Clinical Advice Line for Police Officers
- Tees Esk and Wear Valleys FT - Crisis assessment suite
- Staff Wellbeing Initiative of the Year

WINNER: Humber and North Yorkshire ICB, NAViGO CIC, City Health Care Partnership CIC, Tees Esk and Wear Valleys FT - Humber and North Yorkshire Resilience Hub
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Central North West London FT - ’Carers at Work’ staff network
- Central North West London FT - New Starter Roadmap
- Guy's and St Thomas’ FT - Staff Wellbeing Champions
- Isle of Wight Trust - Ambulance Care Dog Team
- North Central London ICB in partnerships with, NCL Training Hubs and North London Councils - Health and Well-being Bus
- Practice Plus Group - Implementing the transformational role of the Professional Nurse Advocate to improve staff health and wellbeing and patient safety outcomes within Health in Justice
- Royal Bolton Hospital - All Heros Need Sleep; The implementation of a fatigue working group at Royal Bolton Hospital
- Stockport FT - Dedicated Staff Menopause Clinic
- Urgent and Emergency Care Safety Initiative of the Year

WINNER: Southern Health & Social Care Trust - Craigavon Area Hospital - HOPing in Emergency Department
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Medway FT - Medway Collaborative Effort for Patient Outcome Development - CEPOD theatre
- Humber Teaching FT - Emergency Department Mental Health Streaming
- NHS Resolution - From Recommendations to Implementation: The Emergency Medicine (R2I EM) Tool – Prioritising Guidelines, Tracking Implementation, and Integrating Risk Management
- Salisbury FT - Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC)
- University Hospitals of Derby and Burton FT - The Impact and Interventions of a Frailty Pharmacist within Emergency Department Frailty Team of an Acute NHS Hospital Trust
- University Hospitals of Derby and Burton FT - Medical Same Day Emergency care- Development of service ”true admission avoidance” and single point of access
- Virtual or Remote Care Initiative of the Year

WINNER: South West London Elective Orthopaedic Centre - Patient-centric Hip and Knee Replacement Recovery Through Remote Monitoring: Prioritising Patient Safety, Individualised Care, and Digital Innovation
HIGHLY COMMENDED: Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland ICS - Connected Care Programme
- University Hospitals of Leicester Trust in Partnership with Pioneer Wound Healing and Lymphoedema Centres - Virtual Wards rounds - Pressure Ulcers
- Healthcare first - Remote heart rhythm assessment using smartphone-based photoplethysmography in primary care to detect undiagnosed atrial fibrillation in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- Manchester University FT - Retinopathy of Prematurity Imaging Network
- Moorfields Eye Hospital FT - Medical Retina Digital Clinics
- North East London FT and Barts Health Trust - Development of a virtual multi-disciplinary diabetic foot service
- Wirral Community Health And Care FT - Using Remote Clinical Monitoring to promote patient safety and effective outcomes in Children’s Speech and Language and Dietetics community services
- Wrightington Wigan and Leigh Teaching Hospitals FT - Groundbreaking virtual ward model