Click on the tabs below to reveal the shortlisted NHS teams and projects per category.
- Best Use of Integrated Care and Partnership Working in Patient Safety Award
- Hampshire & Isle of Wight ICS in partnership with Wessex AHSN - Improving Patient Safety through digital-enablement and organisational integration
- Innovation Agency (AHSN for the North West Coast), Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital FT, Liverpool University Hospitals FT, Primary Care Knowsley - Proactive management of Asthma in primary care for patients in Knowsley
- Leeds Community Healthcare & Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trusts - Leeds Virtual Ward (Frailty)
- Pennine Lancashire ICP (inc. East Lancashire Hospitals Trust, Lancashire and South Cumbria FT, East Lancashire Medical Services, Pennine Lancashire Primary Care General Practices, Pennine Lancashire CCGs, Council for Voluntary Services) - Integrated Pennine Lancashire COVID Virtual Ward; Rapid Mobilisation, Patient Safety and Partnership Working
- Portsmouth Hospitals University Trust - SE Hampshire partnership integrated care - 111 First
- Salford CCG - Safer Salford - A systems approach to improving Safety
- Surrey & Sussex Cancer Alliance - Symptomatic Breast Referral Resource Suite: Enhancing the Suspected Cancer Recognition and Referral Process
- Walsall Manor Hospital - Safe at home
- Best Use of Technology in Patient Safety Award
Award Partner

- Department of Health and Social Care, NHS Digital, NHS England, Office for National Statistics, Public Health England, University of Oxford, NERVTAG (New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group), Oxford University Innovations - Covid-19 Population Risk Assessment, powered by QCovid
- Derbyshire Support and Facilities Services on behalf of Chesterfield Royal Hospital Trust - Critical Care - management and expansion under Covid-19
- Moorfields Eye Hospital FT - Virtual A&E
- Southern Health and Social Care Trust - Tele-EDS - Dysphagia Pilot Project
- Surrey Heartlands ICS Medicines Safety Programme - Safer valproate prescribing - a digital solution
- The Medication Support Company and Liverpool City Council - Improving safety through remote medicines management
- Changing Culture Award
Award Partner

- NELFT - Working Together for a Better Tomorrow
- Oxford University Hospitals FT - Creating a culture of Improvement
- Valentine Health Partnership, London in association with One Care in Bristol; Morecambe Bay Primary Care Collaborative, South Cumbria; St Leonards Research Practice, Exeter; and Pier Health, North Somerset - Increasing the culture of continuity to achieve safer healthcare
- South London and Maudsley FT - Reducing prone restraint in the midst of a pandemic
- The Stockport System: Stockport FT, Stockport Metropolitan Borough Council, Stockport CCG - Stockport - One Shared Vision
- University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire Trust - The use of Learning Teams to improve the quality of Serious Incident investigation actions and staff engagement with improvement.
- Clinical Governance & Risk Management in Patient Safety Award
Award Partner

- Lancashire Teaching Hospitals FT - Ophthalmology Transformation Programme
- NHS Wales - Once for Wales Concerns Management System
- St Vincent's Nursing Home - Our best can always be better
- University College Hospital, London and London Ambulance Service, London - Application of Video Assissted Pre-Hospital Triage To Stroke Assessment Pathway as Partnership Between UCLH and London Ambulance Service
- Covid-19 Infection Prevention and Control Award
- Birmingham Community Healthcare FT - System Covid Pro-active Testing Service
- Bolton Hospital Trust - Collaborative Working to Maintain Patient Safety During A Healthcare Crisis - Anaesthetic, Critical Care and Theatre Team
- East London FT - Covid-19 Secure Bundles
- Imperial College Healthcare Trust - PPE Helpers Programme
- NHS Property Services - NHS Property Services
- Northern Care Alliance Group - COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Testing using LFDs in Emergency Departments to aid Infection Prevention & Control – Northern Care Alliance at the Vanguard
- University Hospital Southampton FT - Managing lateral flow staff testing using Infinity
- Wirral Community Health and Care FT - IPC SAFE care home project Wirral
- Deteriorating Patients and Rapid Response Initiative of the Year
Award Partner

- Birmingham Women's and Children’s FT - Embedding Parent Knowledge and Ergonomic Principles in a Paediatric Early Warning System
- Bradford Teaching Hospitals FT - Deterioration Tile
- Homerton University Hospital FT - The COVID-19 Deterioration Project: Real Time Triage and Tracking
- Royal Surrey FT - "Drive Through" Glaucoma / eye pressure service; bringing care from the clinic to the car park
- Southern Health and Social Care Trust - Acute Care @ Home Team: Virtual Monitoring of Care Home Patients
- Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care FT, Tameside Metropolitan Borough Council and North West Ambulance Service - Handover on Scene Pilot
- Warrington & Halton Teaching Hospitals FT - Warrington Covid Cooperative
- Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh Teaching Hospitals FT - CPAP management of COVID-19 respiratory failure
- End of Life Care Initiative of the Year
- South London and Maudsley FT - End of Life Care
- The Dudley Group FT - The Gold Standards Framework: A Trust-wide Approach
- The Royal Marsden FT - Integrating Palliative Care in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU): adopting a proactive approach to identifying cancer patients for early palliative care input.
- University Hospitals of Derby and Burton FT - Ward 2
- Improving Care for Children and Young People Initiative of the Year
- Barnsley Hospital FT - Developing and delivering virtual education for primary schools caring for children with Type 1 diabetes during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Humber Teaching FT and Hull CCG - Humber Sensory Processing Hub Website
- Homerton University Hospital FT - How Homerton Speech and Language Therapy Got Hackney Children Talking Through A Pandemic?
- Nottingham University Hospitals Trust - The introduction of an E-Observation Dashboard
- Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care FT - Children’s Immunisations Team Drive-Thru Immunisations – Providing young people in Tameside their immunisations whilst schools were in lockdown.
- University Hospitals of Leicester Trust - A Single Front Door for Safe and Quality Acute and Emergency Children's Care
- Wirral Community Health and Care FT - Children's Integrated Therapy Review
- Improving Care for Older People Initiative of the Year
- Acute Care at Home Team, Southern Health and Social Care Trust - Our response to the COVID-19 pandemic
- Mid and South Essex FT - Southend Frailty Team Surgical In Reach Project
- Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital FT - Developing an Advanced Practice Physiotherapist role within Acute Medicine
- Pennine Acute Trust - Teaching patient and carers to inject chemotherapeutic drug in the comfort of their own house to enhance quality of life and avoid unnecessary hospital commute and exposure during the pandemic.
- Royal Bolton Hospital - One Stop Retinal Service: Improving care for older people
- South London and Maudsley FT - Improving Safety through the Increased Provision of Therapeutic Activity: An MDT Approach
- Stockport FT - The Acute Frailty Service
- Wiltshire Health and Care - Virtual Wards for Care Homes - improving care for older people
- Improving Safety in Medicines Management Award
Award Partner

- Humber Teaching FT - The development and implementation of patient-centred, ward-based pharmacy technician services
- Nottingham University Hospital Trust, East Midlands AHSN, & University of Nottingham - Frailty MDT Polypharmacy Project - optimising medicines for older adults
- Royal Berkshire FT - Out of Hospital & Emergency Department Opiate Prescriptions in Patients with Neck of Femur Fractures
- Royal Papworth Hospital FT - Putting patient safety and transformation at the heart of Royal Papworth through medicines management and standards-based technology
- Royal Surrey FT - St Luke's Cancer Centre and Pharmacy team delivery of safe systemic anti-cancer treatment during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Suffolk Primary Care - Quality Audit Programme
- The Princess Alexandra Hospital Trust - Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) service project
- University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire Trust - Patient safety matters: achieving better care closer to home in gastroenterology high cost drug management during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Infection Prevention and Control Award
Award Partner

- Northern Lincolnshire & Goole Hospitals - Minimising nosocomial COVID-19 cases using multimodal approach incorporating human factors.
- South London and Maudsley FT - A collaborative response to COVID-19 as a Mental Health Trust
- West of England AHSN, Royal United Hospital Bath, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston, Gloucestershire Hospitals FT, North Bristol Trust, Great Western Hospital Swindon - PreciSSIon-a regional collaborative to reduce surgical site infection after elective colorectal surgery across a region
- Learning Disabilities Initiative of the Year
- Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust - The Understanding Psychosis Workbook: an accessible workbook for people with learning disabilities or other cognitive and communication needs
- Humber Teaching FT - Pocket PPE Packs: safety, infection control and the therapeutic relationship
- North East London FT - Delivering STOMP in an inpatient setting and community learning disability teams
- Royal Cornwall Hospital Treliske - Going To Hospital Book
- Southern Health and Social Care Trust - Vaccination Programme for LD Day Care Attenders
- The West of England AHSN - The West of England Learning Disabilities Collaborative
- University Hospitals Birmingham FT - Learning Disability Standards Implementation Trust-wide
- Maternity and Midwifery Initiative of the Year
- East Kent Hospitals University FT - Neonatal Saturation Initiative
- Humber Teaching FT - Pregnant patients under the care of East Riding Partnership Addictions Service – A multi-professional approach to achieve best mother and baby outcomes
- James Cook University Hospital - Providing Enhanced maternal care & the COVID 19 pandemic
- London North West University Healthcare Trust - One stop care for Twin pregnancies-The way forward to overcome the COVID-19 pandemic for best outcomes for mothers and babies in 2020- Blue Print for future multiple pregnancy care in UK
- Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells Trust - Enabling effective and informed choice utilising local birth planning infographics
- North West Anglia FT & Baby Lifeline Charity - Hypoxia in labour tool - Can a simple escalation tool make a huge impact on Maternity care?
- University Hospitals Birmingham FT - Covid Maternity Surveillance Service; keeping mothers and babies safe during a pandemic
- Warrington & Halton Teaching Hospitals FT - Continuity of Carer Project
- Mental Health Initiative of the Year
- Avon and Wiltshire Mental Health Partnership Trust - The Understanding Psychosis Workbook: An accessible workbook for people with learning disabilities and other cognitive and communication needs
- Devon Partnership Trust and Royal Devon and Exeter FT - Connecting physical and mental health services in Gastroenterology
- Mersey Care FT - Digital solutions to patient safety through Covid
- Mersey Care FT - 24/7 Urgent Care
- Mersey Care FT - Borderline Personality Disorder Policy and related service developments
- Sherwood Forest Hospitals FT and Nottingham Trent University - People First; Supporting colleagues to support others
- South London and Maudsley FT with Oxehealth - Improving Patient and Staff Safety while in Seclusion Room by Introducing Novel Technology
- Southern Health and Social Care Trust - Seven shades of Culture Change
- NHS Safeguarding Award
- Birmingham Community Healthcare FT and Birmingham Safeguarding Children Partnership - Who's in Charge? Keeping children safe when adults are drinking alcohol
- Derbyshire Community Health Services FT - Was Not Brought, Did Not Attend and No Access policy
- Safeguarding Adults National Network - Safeguarding during Covid: An example of innovation, creativity and passion to ensure that Adult Safeguarding issues were appropriately managed during unprecedented times
- Sussex NHS Commissioners - Safeguarding Transition Portfolio and Post
- The Hillingdon Hospitals FT - Safeguarding families in an acute health trust during a pandemic and beyond
- Patient Safety Education and Training Award
Award Partner

- Devon Partnership Trust - Introducing Ligature Simulation to Devon Partnership Mental Health Trust, through a patient safety strategy
- Mersey Care FT - Specialist Nurse Digital Training
- OxSTaR: Oxford Simulation Training and Research, Oxford University and Oxford University Hospitals FT - SAFE-in-Maternity: Safety-2 & Appreciative Inquiry For Excellence in Maternity
- Royal Surrey FT - SCReaM Human Factors and Team Resource Management Training Programme
- Southern Health and Social Care Trust - Dysphagia Awareness and Management Training Pilot
- Surrey Heartlands Health and Care Partnership - Supporting our community care providers during the pandemic: A collaborative education initiative to support reducing the spread of Covid-19 and keeping care providers residents and staff safe
- University of Oxford and Oxford University Hospitals FT - STEP UP: The simulation and technology enhanced learning project to upskill during the pandemic
- West of England AHSN, Wessex AHSN, Health Education England, Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICS - Videos to support the training of carers to identify deterioration and communicate concern
- Patient Safety Innovation of the Year
Award Partner

- Bradford Teaching Hospitals FT - COVID-19 Heat-mapping
- Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear FT - Online Patient Consultations
- London Transformation and Learning Collaborative - 360 Virtual Orientation to the Critical Care Bedspace
- NHS Blood and Transplant - Blood Assist - Blood component administration safety app
- NHS Wales - Once for Wales Concerns Management System
- Queen Elizabeth Hospital Kings Lynn - SAFIRA®: SAFer Injection for Regional Anaesthesia
- Spectrum Community Health CIC - Introducing Haemodialysis in a Prison Setting
- Warrington & Halton Teaching Hospitals FT - Black Box Warrington
- Patient Safety Pilot Project of the Year
- Bolton FT - Acute Medicine Referral List : An electronic patient list improving patient safety
- Great Ormond Street Hospital - From RAGs to Riches. A new Risk Action Group quality assessment tool.
- NHS Arden and GEM CSU, NHS Black Country and West Birmingham CCG, and Tekihealth Solutions - Using remote diagnostic consultation tools in care homes to improve care and reduce exposure to COVID-19
- OxSTaR: Oxford Simulation Training and Research through Oxford University and Oxford University Hospitals FT - SAFE-in-Maternity: Safety-2 and Appreciative Inquiry For Excellence in Maternity.
- OxSTaR (University of Oxford), Eastfield House Surgery, Castle Gardens Surgery - MAGIC – The Management of Acute emergencies in GP surgeries using In-situ simulation and Checklists
- Royal Surrey FT - Drive Through Glaucoma Service
- University of Leeds, Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust - Making surgery safer: Continuous remote vital signs monitoring after major surgery
- West of England AHSN & South West AHSN - PERIPrem (Perinatal Excellence to Reduce Injury in Premature Birth)
- Patient Safety Team of the Year
Award Partner

- Bradford Teaching Hospitals FT - Respiratory Physiotherapists
- Black Country and West Birmingham CCG - Quality and Patient Safety Team
- Cheshire and Wirral Partnership FT - The development of a Safety Management System to measure and monitor patient safety
- Royal Surrey FT - St Luke's Cancer Centre and Pharmacy team delivery of safe systemic anti-cancer treatment during the Covid-19 pandemic
- Southern Health and Social Care Trust - Acute Care @ Home Team
- University Hospitals Birmingham FT - Vulnerabilities Team - 'One Team, One Direction, Care At Its Best'
- Warrington & Halton Teaching Hospitals FT - Warrington Covid Cooperative
- West Suffolk Hospital FT - Clinical Helpline Initiative
- Perioperative and Surgical Care Initiative of the Year
- Airedale FT - Airedale's Perioperative Safety Journey
- Manchester University FT - Lowering the platelet threshold prior to tunneled line insertion in haematology patients
- Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care FT - Daily Swabbing Process to facilitate Continuation of Elective Endoscopy Activity through COVID-19
- Tameside and Glossop Integrated Care FT - Wave Three Response to Enable Surgical Patient Flow
- West of England AHSN, Royal United Hospital Bath, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston, Gloucestershire Hospitals FT, North Bristol Trust, Great Western Hospital Swindon - PreciSSIon-a regional collaborative to reduce surgical site infection after elective colorectal surgery
- Primary Care Initiative of the Year
- Devon CCG - Devon Digital Accelerator (DDA) project
- Health Care First - Health care first innovative Community cardiology service
- Innovation Agency (AHSN for the North West Coast), Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital FT, Liverpool University Hospitals FT, Primary Care Knowsley - Proactive management of Asthma in primary care for patients in Knowsley
- OxSTaR (University of Oxford), Eastfield House Surgery, Castle Gardens Surgery - MAGIC – The Management of Acute emergencies in GP surgeries using In-situ simulation and Checklists
- Spectrum Community Health CIC - Introducing Haemodialysis in a Prison Setting
- Tees Valley CCG, Hartlepool & Stockton Health, ELM Alliance, Primary Health Care Darlington, South Tees Hospital FT, North Tees and Hartlepool FT, County Durham and Darlington FT, AHSN, North East and North Cumbria Respiratory Network - Tees Valley Covid Oximetry @ home
- Valentine Health Partnership, London in association with: One Care, Bristol; Morecambe Bay Primary Care Collaborative, South Cumbria; St Leonards Research Practice; Exeter and Pier Health, North Somerset - Enhancing continuity of care for safety, efficiency and greater satisfaction
- West Kent Primary Care Simulation Team - In situ simulation training for COVID vaccination centres in West Kent
- Quality Improvement Initiative of the Year
- East London FT - Sexual Safety in Forensics
- Essex Partnership University FT - Remote Clinical Assessment Covid-19 Vaccination Centres
- Lancashire Teaching Hospitals FT - Always Safety First
- Nottingham University Hospitals Trust - Do Not Attempt Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (DNACPR) QI Project
- Nottingham University Hospitals Trust - Improving Inpatient Stays
- Pennine Acute Trust - Teaching patient and carers to inject chemotherapeutic drug in the comfort of their own house to enhance quality of life and avoid unnecessary hospital commute and exposure during the pandemic.
- West Green & Hornsey Park Surgeries - Digital calendar invites for Cervical smears
- West of England AHSN on behalf of the AHSN Network - PReCePT: Prevention of Cerebral Palsy in Preterm Labour
- Service User Engagement and Co-production Award
- Cambridgeshire & Peterborough Local Maternity & Neonatal System - The Raham Project
- Central North West London FT - One Community - Service User Led Initiative
- Devon Partnership Trust - Devon Community Forensic Team- Cycling Group
- King’s College Hospital FT - King’s and Macmillan: Improving Cancer Patient Experience Programme
- Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust - Leeds Hospital's Partner Programme: Powering Improvement with Patients and Public
- Mersey Care FT - COVID-19 Time Capsules
- Sheffield Teaching Hospitals FT and Sheffield CCG - The Sheffield Long Covid Programme
- South East London Cancer Alliance - South East London Cancer Patient Involvement Community of Practice