How to apply
- Register an account.
- Start your entry (save it in-progress).
- Submit your entry to be in the running.
Best of luck!
Start your entryAs part of the shift towards truly integrated care pathways, efforts to dissolve traditional barriers between NHS and other public sector organisations are becoming ever-more important. Partnering with other organisations across your local health economy over the long term or over fixed term projects can result in innovative solutions and improvements both financially and in terms of efficiency. There are undoubtedly challenges along the way, however if overcome, real patient benefits can be delivered.
This award recognises those collaborations and partnerships that keep patient safety as a core consideration. Broadly speaking the partnership may or may not have patient safety as its primary goal yet demonstrable improvements in the care of patients and the avoidance of harm are what the judges are looking to recognise in this award
Health and care partnerships from the NHS such as those with Health Innovation Networks, multi trust and ICS collaborations, universities and with organisations in social care are welcomed to submit projects to be reviewed. Judges are looking for initiatives which have demonstrably improved patient safety.