How to apply
- Register an account.
- Start your entry (save it in-progress).
- Submit your entry to be in the running.
Best of luck!
Start your entryAccelerating innovation will be crucial to the future of the health service, and there is never a shortage of good ideas. This award celebrates products or innovations which are in the early stages of their development and will look to drive consistent improvements in patient safety. Judges are looking for new, game changing concepts which improve safety in one or multiple spheres of care. This can be anything from the development of a technology, system or process, training programme, patient led initiative, or a combination of these to solve a particularly challenging problem.
This award celebrates innovations that cannot yet supply reams of clinical evidence but show true promise in delivering demonstrable and positive consequences for patient safety both in their current setting and elsewhere. Though not necessarily supported by long-term evidence from the field the potential for reductions in harm, changes in process or treatment resulting in better safer care must be intrinsic the to design and application of the innovation.
Entries are welcomed from all parts of the NHS and public sector including academic institutions that can demonstrate the obvious potential for improvements in the safe care of patients. Judges are interested in ideas that can demonstrate results from the last two years.