How to apply
- Register an account.
- Start your entry (save it in-progress).
- Submit your entry to be in the running.
Best of luck!
Start your entryAs life expectancy increases, so too does the number of older people living with highly complex healthcare needs. Much research has demonstrated the scale of the issue and the need to find better ways to care for our older citizens and minimise risk.
The right to safe and effective care also does not end when someone’s illness becomes terminal, or when their life is drawing to a close. Alongside the growing demand for end-of-life care in the face of an ageing population, other issues such as falls, and pressure ulcers may be a risk at end of life. Plus, with many patients on multiple medications, there is also the risk of drug errors.
Our judges will be looking for work that increases the quality as well as the safety of patient experience, perhaps by making it easier for multiple healthcare professionals to feed into an individual’s care, or ensuring the patient, and not just their relatives, is involved in decisions around their care. This award will celebrate and recognise those organisations acting to provide consistently safe, high-quality care to older people. That will undoubtedly include teams in hospices and those working in any other part of the health and care system.
Entries are welcomed from across the NHS and wider public health and care sector (ICSs, ICBs, social care etc.). Judges are looking for projects which can demonstrate patient safety at their core but have experience, care, staff morale, training and awareness as drivers.