How to apply
- Register an account.
- Start your entry (save it in-progress).
- Submit your entry to be in the running.
Best of luck!
Start your entryThe safety of the patient is always an important issue in both medical and mental health care settings. However, when caring for someone experiencing mental ill health, there are very often additional challenges in delivering safe care, for example protecting vulnerable patients from sexual harm, managing a patient’s risk of self-harm, or ensuring a safe environment for staff and patients with minimal use of restrictive practices.
With the introduction of the Mental Health Bill 2025, there is a renewed focus on patient-centred care, autonomy, and safety. These reforms aim to strengthen care pathways, strengthen patient rights, and reduce the use of inappropriate practices, fostering environments that prioritise dignity and respect. This award will highlight initiatives that have delivered compassionate, efficient, and most importantly, safe services for people with mental health conditions, aligning with the principles of modern mental health care.
Judges are seeking projects that have demonstrably increased the safety and reliability of care for those with mental ill health, whether generally or for a specific condition or need. NHS providers of mental health services, both in primary and secondary care, and their partner organisations in the public sector are welcome to enter.