How to apply
- Register an account.
- Start your entry (save it in-progress).
- Submit your entry to be in the running.
Best of luck!
Start your entryPatient and service user involvement in planning, decisions and outcomes within the NHS must be central to the design of services and are now a requirement for all local systems to include two patient safety partners on their safety-related clinical governance committees.
Representation has many benefits and occurs in varied circumstances. Planning services with representative groups can result in improved experiences, better treatment pathways, integrated services and ultimately outcomes. Co-production of services, “doing it with and for” people is a model widely adopted throughout the NHS and social care system.
This award celebrates initiatives which can demonstrate genuine co-design, co-production and delivered services with the involvement of services users, patients and their families. Judges will be looking for projects that can show patient experiences and outcomes have improved and more specifically that patient safety has been enhanced.
Entries can include any projects or teams coproduced by NHS and public health and social care system and can include any type of service.