How to apply
- Register an account.
- Start your entry (save it in-progress).
- Submit your entry to be in the running.
Best of luck!
Start your entryDigital developments and new technologies offer the potential for transformational improvements in safety. Solutions might have a specific medical purpose which has demonstrable improvements to patient safety. Or they might support the workforce in the delivery of care that reduces errors or unwarranted variation – supporting safety improvements.
Digital transformation can also enable efficiency, freeing up clinical and nursing teams to spend more time with patients. The digitisation of clinical processes can help support real-time data capture that can lead to future service redesign, or safety improvements that drive better patient outcomes.
With a wide range of solutions on offer within varying disciplines, judges will be looking specifically for improvements in patient safety as a result of the implementation of a digital system or process, or where data has been used to drive transformation that has led to improved safety outcomes.
Entries are welcomed from across the NHS and wider public health and care system (ICSs, ICBs, social care etc.).