How to apply
- Register an account.
- Start your entry (save it in-progress).
- Submit your entry to be in the running.
Best of luck!
Start your entryPressure on urgent and emergency departments have reached an all-time high. Increased patient demand beyond traditional winter expectations, combined with staff shortages and reduced bed availability within hospitals are all contributing to lengthened waiting times and increased risks at all stages of the patient journey. With services stretched, there has never been a greater need to focus on maintaining high standards of care and patient safety in the urgent and emergency care setting.
Collaboration with internal and external partners and the introduction of technologies to manage capacity and care can all contribute to improvements in the delivery of service and safety. As can the redesign of care pathways to redirect patients to alternative services or deploying staff in a different way to ensure only those patients that require urgent care arrive at hospital.
In high stress and fast paced environments, it is vitally important that staff feel they can speak up, that their ideas for improvement are heard and that patients received quality and safe care. This award recognises these challenges and looks to celebrate achievements that result in better outcomes.
Entries are welcome from across the health system (public sector), including A&E, ambulance and trauma teams, as well as primary and community care. Judges are looking for single initiatives with measurable enhancements to safety and quality as well as staff and patient experience.