Virtual or Remote Care Initiative of the Year

Virtual care, including remote monitoring and virtual ward models has shown to reduce hospital admissions, falls and encourages patient self-management and autonomy. Virtual care involves the patient in their care plan, presenting them with information and a broader understanding of their condition, making them better equipped to contribute to their own recovery.

This award will recognise digital innovations which have improved the safety of patients despite not being treated face-to-face and judges will look for strategies implemented to ensure patient safety is sustained in hybrid care models or at home.


Entries are welcomed from across NHS and public health and care sector. Private suppliers and partners may apply in collaboration with the NHS in the UK but are ineligible to enter alone. Please note the entry must provide a clear case study surrounding the implementation or use of the virtual or remote care model.


  • Describe the patient safety context in which the use of a new virtual or remote care model was required, and to what extent this was informed by existing best practice or evidence.
  • Explain the initial targets and goals that were set, including how technology could make tangible improvements to the safe care of patients, or which reduce harm.
  • Outline what checks and balances were put in place, and how success could be measured.


  • Evidence that the virtual or remote care model has directly contributed to an improvement in safety for patients. This must include a quantitative aspect, for example demonstrable reductions in errors of medication administration, reductions in healthcare associated infection, a drop in adverse events etc.
  • Show how the virtual care model has directly contributed to the delivery of consistently high-quality care – this should have a quantitative aspect but can also include qualitative measures such as patient or staff feedback.
  • Discuss to what extent virtual or remote care has helped improve integration or coordination of care across the organisation or system, and how this has led to improved safety.
  • What other benefits have been realised by virtual care?


  • How, and to what extent, have the learnings from implementation been communicated and shared elsewhere with the organisation or system?
  • How have or will patient safety leads be involved in any wider roll-out of this project?
  • Judges are looking for potential of usage across other departments and in the wider health sector.


  • Describe the value created for patients by the technology implementation, in terms of patient experience, staff satisfaction and quality of care.
  • If possible, provide evidence of value creation in other areas, in terms of increased capacity, reduced adverse events (and therefore investigatory or litigation costs) and/or improved efficiencies.
  • Detail any ways in which the implementation benefited the patient, organisation or system outside of the original expectations.


  • Provide clear evidence surrounding the consultative measures taken to inform, involve and enable participation from end-users and patients in the planning, design, tendering or selection of the alternative care model.
  • Describe how staff, patients and other stakeholders across the organisation were engaged in the implementation and roll-out.
  • Share how feedback has been captured from these groups over time, and what enhancements this has delivered.
  • Evidence a strong partnership (if relevant) between the vendor/s of the technology and staff in the organisations at which it has been implemented.

To find out more

Partnership opportunities:  Natasha Dwyer, Head of Sponsorship Sales
Awards entry enquiries: Frank Willing, Delegate Sales Manager